As we age, our eyes do too.
Many age-related eye diseases cause impaired vision and blindness in older adults. But as with many age-related issues, there are steps you can take to delay or prevent eye problems.
As the saying goes, “you are what you eat.” The food you eat and the supplements you take affect the health of your eyes. Indiana eye care doctors recommend a healthy diet of greens, fruits and vegetables to help prevent eye diseases. For the most antioxidants, choose dark green or brightly colored fruits and vegetables. Dr. Tavel and his board certified associates suggest reducing your saturated fat and sugar intake as they can increase your risk for eye problems.
Lutein is one of the best known antioxidants for healthy eyes. Pick up sweet corn, peas and broccoli to get your fill. Turn to orange and yellow vegetables such as carrots and squash for your eye-healthy vitamin A. Fruits and vegetables provide substantial vitamin C, another eye-friendly antioxidant.
With a healthy diet and routine eye exams from Dr. Tavel, you can help protect your aging eyes.