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Night Goggles

POSTED ON May 21, 2009


I recently returned from college in Bloomington, Indiana where, like most other students, I made use of the wonderful bus system instead of bringing my car to campus (yay for going green!). However, I’m back now and back behind the wheel driving to work by day and out to do whatever by night. I started to wonder if they had taken away some of the street lamps or ...

I recently returned from college in Bloomington, Indiana where, like most other students, I made use of the wonderful bus system instead of bringing my car to campus (yay for going green!). However, I’m back now and back behind the wheel driving to work by day and out to do whatever by night.

I started to wonder if they had taken away some of the street lamps or something because all of a sudden it seemed to have gotten really, really dark outside in Indiana. I couldn’t see anything! I got home and asked my dad if he thought it had gotten any darker this summer only to find out that they had in fact added streetlights in certain areas.

In search of a culprit for my apparent night blindness I of course pointed the finger at my headlights. No dice. They had been changed right before I got home. So, I figured I ought to set up an appointment and expect to be prescribed some high tech crazy military night goggles or something of the sort and hope for the best.

I scheduled an appointment with one of the many eye doctors here at Dr. Tavel. After my eye exam I found out that I wasn’t crazy, but I needed some glasses with an anti-reflective coating to help reduce the glare of the streetlights and other people’s headlights as well as a little prescription; and let me tell you, these Dr. Tavel Indiana eye doctors really know what they’re talking about because I can see now!

You really can’t know for sure what the problem is unless you get a full eye examination. I never would have guessed that I needed to buy eye glasses or even that my eyes were the problem; so its probably a good thing someone told me.

Lesson here? If you’re having trouble seeing at night, come in and see us! Its cheaper to pay for glasses and lenses than it is to pay for car damage if you wreck in the dark.

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