Go Fishing To Protect Your Eyes!

{{{image-882}}}Fish is one of the foods on the basic food pyramid that I will not eat.  I never grew up eating fish sticks and even though my parents have tried over the past few years to introduce me to seafood, it is a no-go for me.  It is too bad for me too that I don’t like seafood as the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids have recently been promoted as helping ward off vision loss for those prone to age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

AMD is something I think about not only because it is one of the top vision robbing diseases but also because my grandfather has it.  AMD changes lives as it impairs vision often slowly, creating once independent adults dependent on others for care.  A study from the journal Ophthalmology found that high concentrations of the omega-3 fatty acids in the eyes retina can help with eye health, ultimately vision. 

The study concluded that eating fish and shellfish (full of these powerful omega-3s) in a regular pattern can help vision and protect against AMD, something those prone to AMD (me!) should listen too.  Those in the study with intermediate and advanced AMD did not eat fish or shellfish often as the others in the study did so that a connection was made between the benefits of the food with healthy vision.  Higher concentrations of these fatty acids helped the retina’s stay healthy and vision stay clear longer.

This is a food group on the pyramid that I need to learn to like.  So a lesson learned by me…I need to go fishing with my meals (once a week) to help protect my eye sight!

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