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Computers and Eye Sight

POSTED ON September 3, 2010


EyeCare America’s 3rd eye health myth honestly had had me worried a bit.  Myth 3: Using computers can damage your eyes. Having just graduated and begun a job in marketing/communications, I am consistently sitting more and staring at my computer ...

This computer may be happy but staring at a computer too long strains many people's eyes! EyeCare America’s 3rd eye health myth honestly had had me worried a bit.  Myth 3: Using computers can damage your eyes.

Having just graduated and begun a job in marketing/communications, I am consistently sitting more and staring at my computer screen for most of the day as I am doing now writing a post for Dr. Tavel’s Vision Blog.  Most nights when I am home I tend to find myself staring at my personal computer screen communicating with family and friends via email, checking my social media accounts, paying online bills, or researching what is going on in Indianapolis the upcoming weekend.

More screen time in my opinion than I used in college or more regular amounts of time staring at a screen as in college I had many lectures to listen too, books to read, and free time that I spent without a computer.  I am worried about my eye sight!

I need to worry no more as this myth is FALSE! Looking at computer screens will not damage my eyes.  Whew!  Staring at a computer screen or doing close work like reading or sewing can fatigue our eyes, not damage our eye sight.  It also makes them dry as we tend to blink less.

A solution for this? Take breaks from screens or close work for at least 15 minute intervals allowing your eyes to rest and refocus.  If this doesn’t completely fix the problem, Indianapolis optometrists and Indiana eye doctors may prescribe anti-fatigue lenses.

Anti-fatigue lenses literally do the work for the eye muscles so that fatigue is less apparent and eyes receive help focusing on the material on the screen or up-close.  Kodak’s anti-fatigue lenses are one of the industry’s best and can be found at Dr. Tavel locations. Lenses such as these are perfect for students who use a computer (probably more than I did!), professionals like I am now, teachers or craftspeople needing to focus on close material often.

Myth #3 dispelled!

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