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Hyperopia Defined in Simple Terms

Jan 20, 2014

In previous blog posts we have talked about the struggles with myopia , but what is hyperopia? Hyperopia is another term for farsightedness which means close objects are difficult to see.

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Those who are farsighted see things at a distance more easily than they do up close. If you are farsighted, close objects may appear blurry. This makes it difficult to participate in certain activities that require crisp vision.  Hyperopia tends to run in families or can be caused by certain diseases.

If you begin to notice blurred distance vision and eyestrain, you may be at risk for hyperopia. An eye exam can help correct this blurred vision. Glasses or contacts can be a quick fix for farsightedness.

If you believe a member of your family may be suffering from hyperopia, schedule an eye exam with Dr. Tavel. With 19 convenient locations in Indiana, we make it easy to take control of your eye health.

Schedule an Eye Appointment Today!

Prioritizing your eye health starts with scheduling an eye exam. Schedule your next visit online or by calling 844-GO-TAVEL.

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