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UV Protection for Your Eyes

POSTED ON November 10, 2009


My 5 year old son had his final soccer game of the season last Saturday in Indianapolis.  It was a great game and actually went to a shoot out at the end to decide the game.  Okay, these are 5 and 6 year olds so there was no goalie and they basically had to kick the ball straight into the goal from 30 yards away, but nonetheless it was pretty exciting.  Our team lost, but as with any youth soccer game the focus was ...

My 5 year old son had his final soccer game of the season last Saturday in Indianapolis.  It was a great game and actually went to a shoot out at the end to decide the game.  Okay, these are 5 and 6 year olds so there was no goalie and they basically had to kick the ball straight into the goal from 30 yards away, but nonetheless it was pretty exciting.  Our team lost, but as with any youth soccer game the focus was more about getting their medals and what the snack of the week was.

It was a great fall day in Indiana and I got some sun, which is rare for early November.  It got me thinking about how most people are unaware that extended exposure to the same harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays that affect their skin can also harm their eyes.  While outside on Saturday, all of the children’s eyes were exposed to the sun’s rays.  Some of the parents on the sidelines had sunglasses on, while others were wearing hats, which are both helpful in blocking UV rays from reaching the eyes.  When I am outside, I typically wear contact lenses that block UV rays and I also wear polarized sunglasses, which are great for absorbing and blocking UV rays, while also reducing glare from the sun.

The next time you and your children are playing outside, stay focused on the health of your eyes by wearing sunglasses, brimmed hats or premium contact lenses with UV blocking.  If you don’t have these items available, make sure you go to your Indianapolis Optometrist, Eye Doctor or a local vision eye center.

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