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Holiday Checklist for Traveling Eyes

Nov 12, 2013

The holiday season is right around the corner and that means traveling is in your near future. Packing all those sweaters, gifts and goodies can leave your head spinning. Before beginning this season’s travels, be sure to check off everything on this eye-conscious checklist.

Eye Drops

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According to Woman’s Day magazine, airplane air quality is drier than what eyes are used to.  Arriving at your destination with dry, scratchy eyes may not be the best way to reconnect with loved ones. Packing eye drops in your carry on luggage  is a quick and easy way to keep eyes feeling refreshed.

Contact Solution

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Don’t forget the contact solution! Packing can be stressful and hectic, but traveling without contact solution could cause you some strife. Replenishing your contact case with new solution every day is very important. To avoid risk of infection during holiday travels, pack a travel size bottle of contact solution to keep contacts free of dirt and grime.


Summer may be over, but polarized lenses are still a must. Whether you are driving down the road or across the country, you are likely to be plagued with the notorious sun glare gleaming off newly fallen snow. Polarized sunglasses help eliminate glare and take the stress off of eyes while traveling. Dr. Tavel offers Purifier polarized sun lenses at all 19 of his convenient locations. Stop by this holiday season to get your pair of Purifiers.


Schedule an Eye Appointment Today!

Prioritizing your eye health starts with scheduling an eye exam. Schedule your next visit online or by calling 844-GO-TAVEL.

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