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Sunglasses and Sunscreen

Jul 30, 2010

In an optical world, wearing sunglasses is a no brainer like wearing sunscreen is a must-do for a dermatologist.   But frequently adults and children alike don’t wear sunglasses when outside (on sunny or cloudy days) and are damaging their eyes and vision.  Ultraviolet rays (UV) from the sun’s prolonged exposure on your eyes can lead to vision loss and blindness just like the sun can lead to skin damage, wrinkles and skin cancer.  Everyone is at risk for eye damage from the sun and should always wear sunglasses to protect their vision.  Sunglasses serve as sunscreen for your eyes. states that 3.2 million people go blind each year from eye conditions due to prolonged sun exposure.  So many people are unfortunately missing out on seeing the little miracles of life when their vision loss could have been prevented by simply wearing sunglasses when outdoors.

Lenses that block 100% UV light will protect your vision and will also absorb the most high energy visible radiation (HEV) light {{{image-384}}}or blue-light which can cause retinal damage.  Sunglass lenses can be any color to block for harmful UV rays although to block for both UV and HEV, lenses should ideally be bronze, copper or reddish brown.  Wrap-around styles suit best for the upmost vision protection from UV rays.

Sunglasses should simply be a must item for adults and children when going outdoors for any kind of activity.  You don’t have to lose out on style to obtain quality vision protection as their is a “look” for everyone.

Check out these sunglass styles and be sure to put on your shades when outside!

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