Stay Ahead of the Game

The key to good eye health is prevention and early detection.

Did you know your Indiana eye care doctor can detect chronic diseases through a routine eye exam?

And they don’t just identify them; they find them earlier than other health professionals.

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According to a recent study by the Human Capital Management Services Group, eye doctors detected signs of chronic conditions before any other health care provider.

Of the 56 million patients tested, 65 percent of those with high cholesterol received early treatment as a result of their eye exam. 20 percent of diabetes patients and 30 percent of patients with hypertension received an early diagnosis.

An annual eye exam from Dr. Tavel and his board certified associates plays a critical role in detecting diseases. Not only will early detection improve your health, but it will save you money in the future.

Check out the list of over 30 insurance plans accepted by Dr. Tavel. Call the Dr. Tavel location nearest you to find out more regarding your specific insurance coverage information.

Stay ahead of the game by getting a routine eye exam!

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