Now hiring at all locations. Hourly starting at $16.

Shop Tomorrow For Small Business Saturday, Get $25 Back!

Nov 26, 2010

Black Friday is upon us and if today is like any other Black Friday’s of the past, shoppers will be out in masses to get a good deal.  Today is the day to get the latest and greatest gadgets as well as other best selling items.  Hotels even have begun to jump into the Black Friday madness and offer deals to shoppers who want to stay near by the malls and other stores.  But I say along with other small business fans, don’t shop today, shop tomorrow!

Tomorrow has been named “Small Business Saturday” by American Express to inspire support to shop at local small businesses.  Small businesses directly benefit the communities they are in by creating local jobs and by shopping at locations such as Dr. Tavel Family Eye Care patients are able to give back to their community.  The hope is to inspire shoppers to give the smaller businesses a chance during this normally chain-big business shopping season.  And their is an extra benefit for American Express cardholders.  By filling out this form you become eligible to receive $25 back for spending $25 or more at a small business on Small Business Saturday!

{{{image-749}}}Every community has local businesses which you can visit tomorrow.  Dr. David Tavel first started Dr. Tavel Family Eye Care in 1946 providing eye examinations, eye care , and eye wear to patients and today under Dr. Larry Tavel we still offer the same great services and care at our 20 Indiana locations.  We are a true family owned Indiana company and have served Hoosiers for over 60 years.  We are a small business you can visit tomorrow!

What are your favorite small businesses to visit?  A local café, general store, or restaurant?  Be sure to stop by tomorrow!

Schedule an Eye Appointment Today!

Prioritizing your eye health starts with scheduling an eye exam. Schedule your next visit online or by calling 844-GO-TAVEL.

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