Sesame Street Promotes Children’s Eye Exams

Growing up I was a Sesame Street watcher, were you?  Many children still watch Big Bird and crew and learn and listen to what they say (I know I did!). Characters like Elmo and Ernie and Bert are funny to watch and also very {{{image-585}}}impressionable as they act as positive role models.

A Sesame Street message many Indiana eye doctors like those at Dr. Tavel approve is the one in the following  video: Sesame Street and Childrens Eye Exams about the importance of children’s eye exams.  The American Optometric Association (AOA) suggests getting eye examinations at 6 months, 3 and 5 years of age but especially before children are off to school.  Vision helps us learn each and every day but according to a MayoNews report it has even more impact on children.  Eighty-percent of children’s learning is processed through their eyes and vision according to the report making healthy vision a true priority.

Getting a children’s eye exam can be turned into a fun event as children can be like their Sesame Street friends and have their eyes checked by an eye care doctor.  Symptoms for parents to watch according to MayoNews that may indicate vision problems in children:

  • Rubbing of the eyes
  • Complaining often of headaches
  • Squinting
  • Holding objects unusually close or far away
  • Excessive blinking
  • Favoring one eye by covering it or turning the head
  • They eyes are not aligned or are not working together
  • They eyes are red, swollen or encrusted

Eye glasses may be the solution to fix one of the above symptoms but proper eye care early on can diminish more serious vision problems later and other issues that poor vision can create such as poor academic performance and athletic struggles.  So listen to the Sesame Street friends and schedule your little friends eye exams!

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