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Restore Vision With Transplant And Preventative Care

POSTED ON September 13, 2010


Indiana eye doctors are hopeful as positive research was released late last month about a new artificial cornea as a transplant alternative to restore vision.  Science Translational Medicine published the report about a successful study in Sweden where eye care doctors inserted a sliver of collagen in the eye that spurs the eye’s natural corneal cells to grow.  Their growth means restored vision. This artificial transplant is a positive development to create an alternative to cornea transplants.  Cornea transplants are not widely ...

Indiana eye doctors are hopeful as positive research was released late last month about a new artificial cornea as a transplant alternative to restore vision.  Science Translational Medicine published the report about a successful study in Sweden where eye care doctors inserted a sliver of collagen in the eye that spurs the eye’s natural corneal cells to grow.  Their growth means restored vision.

This artificial transplant is a positive development to create an alternative to cornea transplants.  Cornea transplants are not widely available around the world so that research such as this provides future hope to those in need of replacing a cornea.  The cornea is the filmlike cover of the eye that helps us see light and various colors.

Indiana eye centers promote the protection of the eyes through protective eye wear and sunglasses to help prevent damage to the cornea and decrease the need for transplants in general.  Injuries and infections are the two most common ways damage to the cornea occurs.  Dr. Tavel Bloomington eye doctors continuously encourage patients, many of which are students from IU, to wear sunglasses when outside walking to and from class as well as when driving to prevent sun damage and other eye injuries that affect the cornea.  To prevent infection, they tell patients to not share contacts and wash their hands frequently.

Developments like this report by the Science Translational Medicine give hope to many already in need of cornea replacements for better vision.  They also help promote further preventative eye care measures to protect the corneas before damage occurs.  Ask a Dr. Tavel Family Eye Care doctor today about what else you can do to protect your eyes (specifically cornea’s) from injury and infection.

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