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Quite the “Bad Romance,” Going Gaga Over Circle Contacts

Jul 9, 2010

I want your love, and I want your revenge; You and me could write a bad romance.
Infamous song lyrics by pop-music artist Lady Gaga to the global chart topping hit song “Bad Romance;” a song that has helped make Lady Gaga one of the most popular artists today all over the world.

Tonight at Conseco Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, Gaga fans will get to see the American star perform in a show that according to the star’s website will still have the disco balls, hot pants, sequins, and stilettos, known favorites of Gaga, but with a more fine tuned approach and a fierce structure.

Hoosiers are bound to hear the hit, “Bad Romance” tonight, a song that has many young fans risking their eye sight to mimic the star’s music video cartoon eyes.  Gaga’s eyes in the Lady Gaga's wide cartoon eyes in the Bad Romance music video; Photo Courtesy of:’s music video appear to be large and circular, inspired from Japanese cartoons “Anime” and young girls everywhere are buying illegal contacts to make this fashion statement.

Called “Circle Contact Lenses,” these contacts cover a portion of the whites of the eye making the eye appear large and round like a cartoon’s.  According to an ABC News report, these lenses are not FDA approved which has many eye care doctors concerned about their popularity and usage, especially among young Gaga fans who are illegally buying the colored lenses online for $20 and changing them in and out like earrings.

Wearers of these illegal contacts run the risk of potentially losing their eye sight if worn for extended amounts of time or if fitted improperly which could scratch the cornea damaging vision. It is impossible to have these “Circle Contact Lenses” fitted properly as they are bought online and not prescribed through an optometrist.  Quite the risk for making a fashion statement, but one that many are making as they sing along Rah, rah ah, ah, ah; Roma, roma, ma; Gaga, ooh, la, la; Want your bad romance.

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