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Poolside Fashion

Jun 2, 2011

As much as I had been blogging about the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and the Indianapolis 500, you would have expected me to be among last Sunday’s race crowd, but I actually spend the extended weekend just hanging around the pool.

The sunshine on Memorial Day made it the perfect day to wear sunglasses. I wore my Ted Baker sunglasses from Dr. Tavel, while my wife wore her “killer heels” LuLu Guinness shades. Classic aviators were spotted, as well as white-framed sunglasses worn by the women.

As if I needed to catch any sun, I did find myself lying out with my wife and friends sipping margaritas and relaxing. As I laid back and felt the sun beaming on my face, I was thankful to be wearing my Purifier® Polarized sunglasses. This was the perfect start to summer!

It’s unfortunate that not everyone understands how necessary sunglasses are for healthy eyes. Indiana eye care doctors warn of the serious damage caused by extended UV exposure. Too much UV exposure can have a significant impact on your eyes …and can even cause sight-robbing diseases!

Protecting your eyes while looking good is easy with Purifier® Polarized sunglasses. See Dr. Tavel for yours!

Schedule an Eye Appointment Today!

Prioritizing your eye health starts with scheduling an eye exam. Schedule your next visit online or by calling 844-GO-TAVEL.

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