Eyes On Her: Women’s Eye Health

It is a known fact women outlive men.  Women are typically the planners,

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 the food preparers, and the worriers in our society.  And with these things and others, women are also at a higher risk for serious vision loss in their lifetimes compared to men. 

Women account for two-thirds of vision impairment cases in the U.S. according to Lighthouse International which concludes as women live longer than men they are more likely to develop eye diseases like age-related  macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma and other vision robbing diseases. 

Women by just intrinsically being women develop eye symptoms that affect vision.  For instance, dry eye is a common vision impairment reported by women which is often caused by birth control pills, menopause or autoimmune diseases according to Lighthouse International.  Eye drops are often suggested by Indiana eye doctors who see patients with dry eye syndrome.

Pregnancy, another intrinsic fact of being a woman, changes vision often with extra hormones, increased blood volume and fluid retention affecting the eyes ability to see.  Dry eyes, light sensitivity, and migraines also may affect a women’s vision while pregnant.  Prescription changes are not often needed with these vision changes though. 

Those women already affected with diabetes can have symptoms worsen when pregnant which increases chances to lose sight completely according to Lighthouse International.  If eye sight becomes blurry or spots are seen when pregnant consult your Indiana eye doctor immediately as these may be symptoms related to more serious health concerns.

Every woman should receive a comprehensive eye exam by an Indiana eye doctor as a preventative measure to monitor eye health.  Besides an exam, wearing sunglasses when outside and wide-brimmed hats when especially sunny will help protect the eyes from harmful sun damage.

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