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Eye Examinations Each Year

Sep 8, 2010

The 5th and last Eye Care Myth from EyeCare America is one that I have to bashfully admit I have believed up to my entrance into the optical industry and contributor to the Dr. Tavel Vision Blog.

Myth 5: You only need an eye exam if you notice that your vision is deteriorating.  FALSE!!!

This is a myth most Indianapolis eye doctors and Indiana eye doctors I have talked with shake their heads at vehemently as this belief is simply WRONG!  Many eye diseases and vision impairments tend to NOT have obvious symptoms like deteriorating vision.  To be sure an annual eye examination where eyes are dilated needs to be completed each year to confirm any diseases and the true health of your eyes and vision.

Each year regardless if you have a current vision prescription to buy eye glasses or for premium contact lenses, you and your entire family should have an eye examination.  This will ensure that your vision is healthy as well as be a check-up to see if you have any hidden symptoms for eye diseases or future vision conditions.  Besides being able to check for eye conditions, eye care doctors are also able to check and monitor symptoms for other diseases like diabetes.  Many eye conditions are inheritable so for me this means that I need to talk with my Indianapolis optometrist about age-related macular degeneration which my maternal grandfather has.  By doing this as well as getting an annual eye examination, I am taking proactive steps to protect my vision for the future and am BREAKING this myth!

Schedule an Eye Appointment Today!

Prioritizing your eye health starts with scheduling an eye exam. Schedule your next visit online or by calling 844-GO-TAVEL.

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