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Dr. Tavel Sponsors Delta Gamma’s Anchor Splash

POSTED ON June 22, 2009


This coming November, Delta Gamma at Butler University will be hosting its 32nd annual philanthropy event, Anchor Splash. All donations go to Service for Sight, Aid to the Blind; and more specifically, Indiana School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, BOSMA, and ORBIS (all local organizations). Since Dr. Tavel is in the eye care industry, we had a very special interest in the event.

This coming November, Delta Gamma at Butler University will be hosting its 32nd annual philanthropy event, Anchor Splash. All donations go to Service for Sight, Aid to the Blind; and more specifically, Indiana School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, BOSMA, and ORBIS (all local organizations). Since Dr. Tavel is in the eye care industry, we had a very special interest in the event.

BOSMA’s slogan does a great job of explaining the motivation behind the services they provide and the cause which both Delta Gamma and Dr. Tavel so strongly support. We are “dedicated to empowering people who are blind or visually impaired by creating opportunities that lead to the achievement of each individual’s employment, economic, social, and self-determination goals.”

Dr. Tavel creates such opportunities by providing extensive eye examinations, thorough follow up visits, premium contact lenses, and glasses and lenses of superior quality all within an affordable price range.

We feel that the gateway to every day opportunity is the gift of sight; it allows you to live independently, see your children grow, appreciate nature, and so much more.

As a result of hard work by our genuine, caring opticians and extensive knowledge of our doctors Dr. Tavel is able to help you protect this gift and use it to take advantage of all the opportunities of life.

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