According to the Vision Council of America, one in every four children has a vision problem that can interfere with learning and behavior.
Did you know that half of children haven’t had a comprehensive eye exam? Your child could need glasses and you don’t even know it.
Uncorrected vision problems impact your child’s ability to learn and interact with the world since the majority of their learning comes through their eyes.
You may be surprised to learn that some vision disorders are misdiagnosed as behavioral problems such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The real solution may be as simple as a trip to your Indianapolis eye doctor.
Vision screenings at school aren’t enough. Simple eye checks are good for detecting some common problems, but they may not catch everything, including astigmatism and blurred vision.
According to Think About Your Eyes, a public awareness campaign focused on educating consumers on the importance of vision health, if your child is displaying any of the following symptoms or behaviors, you may want to take them in to your Indiana eye doctor for a comprehensive exam:
- Dislike or avoidance of reading
- Short attention span
- Poor coordination when throwing or catching a ball, copying from chalkboard, or tying their shoes
- Placing their head close to their books or sitting close to the TV
- Excessive blinking or eye rubbing
- Using finger or pencil to guide eyes
- Decreasing performance in school
Don’t leave your child’s health in their hands. Take action and make sure they get a comprehensive eye exam from Dr. Tavel today!