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Don’t Forget: Annual Eye Exam

May 11, 2011

If I don’t write something down, I’m liable to forget it.

That’s why I love the eye exam reminder from

Image courtesy of

The simple online form allows you to set a timetable to receive e-mail or text reminders when it’s time for your next eye exam.

The Foundation for Eye Health Awareness sponsors the free reminder tool.  According to their website, the Foundation concentrates on reaching the 100 million Americans with vision problems and the 60 million who are at risk for serious vision loss due to eye disease to create a culture in which yearly eye exams are an accepted part of the health routine of all Americans.

A comprehensive eye exam does more than test your vision.  Dr. Tavel and his board certified associates assess your overall health and can detect nearly 40 systemic diseases.

Even if you don’t have any symptoms of eye-related diseases, a comprehensive exam is an excellent prevention tool.  Don’t wait; it may be too late!

No longer will “I forgot,” be a valid excuse for missing an eye exam.  Schedule your appointment online or call one of our 20 convenient locations today!

Schedule an Eye Appointment Today!

Prioritizing your eye health starts with scheduling an eye exam. Schedule your next visit online or by calling 844-GO-TAVEL.

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