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Contact Lens Discomfort: What’s That In Your Eye?

POSTED ON November 18, 2010


When wearing contact lenses, do you occasionally feel like something is in your eye? There could be several reasons for this “lens awareness.” Contact lenses aren’t one-size-fits-all. They come in various diameters and curvatures. It’s important to get your lenses properly fitted by an eye care doctor like Dr. Tavel and his board certified associates. The wrong size lenses can cause scratching of your cornea, so it’s ...

Contact Lens DiscomfortWhen wearing contact lenses, do you occasionally feel like something is in your eye? There could be several reasons for this “lens awareness.”

Contact lenses aren’t one-size-fits-all. They come in various diameters and curvatures. It’s important to get your lenses properly fitted by an eye care doctor like Dr. Tavel and his board certified associates. The wrong size lenses can cause scratching of your cornea, so it’s vital to never swap lenses with a friend.

Your lenses could also have lipid or protein deposits on them. That is why it’s important to sanitize your lenses with proper cleaning products designed to remove the buildup. If irritation continues to occur, your eye care doctor may suggest switching to daily disposable lenses.

One important guideline for contact lens wearers is to follow your eye care doctor’s cleaning and caring instructions. Many who complain of discomfort are either not properly cleaning their lenses or waiting too long before replacing them.

Where you wear your lenses can also affect your comfort. If you work in a dusty environment, debris can get caught in your eye. Try using lubricating or rewetting eye drops to keep your lenses comfortable.

Occasional contact lens discomfort is no reason to throw them out. There are several simple remedies to common lens problems. Be sure to treat each situation as it occurs because if left untreated, minor irritation can lead to more serious problems. A check up with Dr. Tavel Family Eye Care can help you live comfortably with your contact lenses.

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