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Children’s Health: Early Eye Exams Are Vital

POSTED ON June 1, 2011


One in 16 preschoolers experience visual impairment in at least one eye, according to researchers at the University of Sydney. A recent study of 1,000 Australian kids ages two-and-a-half to six revealed that the majority of those children had problems in at least one eye.  Six percent of the kids had visual impairment in at least one eye and almost three percent had problems in both eyes. The most common causes were astigmatism, farsightedness and amblyopia (“lazy eye”).  Astigmatism causes blurred vision and affected half of ...

One in 16 preschoolers experience visual impairment in at least one eye, according to researchers at the University of Sydney.

A recent study of 1,000 Australian kids ages two-and-a-half to six revealed that the majority of those children had problems in at least one eye.  Six percent of the kids had visual impairment in at least one eye and almost three percent had problems in both eyes.

The most common causes were astigmatism, farsightedness and amblyopia (“lazy eye”).  Astigmatism causes blurred vision and affected half of the kids with impairment.  Farsightedness and lazy eye causes the eye difficulty in making out details.

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Gender and ethnicity played no role, however kids that were “low birthweight” babies had an increased risk.

The researchers say these results are similar to what has been shown in studies of U.S. children.  Indiana eye doctors stress the importance of early detection for children.  Diagnosing and correcting vision problems in kids is essential to their long-term development.

Get your child(ren) to see Dr. Tavel to ensure they are on track to a lifetime of healthy eyes!

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