Cat Eyes For Halloween

As Halloween approaches I am putting more and more thought into my costume for this year.  “What are you going to be?” is the question repeatedly asked by friends and co-workers to which I simply need an answer too.  I have done my costume homework by visiting area stores for odds and ends to get ideas as well as have looked online. And after my research I have decided on the ever classic but sassy costume-black cat!

Something I have seen in the grocery store aisles lately are eye wear costume accessories such as eye lashes, eye paint/make-up, and even color contact lenses. Accessories for any outfit especially costumes can make or break a look and long-lashes and colorful eye make-up are perfect accessories and additions to any costume.  They will definitely help me spruce my look as a ‘black cat.’   But not all accessories are perfect or safe. Color and circle premium contact lenses have increasingly been in the news as eye care doctors warn consumers to only buy them from official vision eye centers like Dr. Tavel Family Eye Care. Halloween costume shoppers need to beware.

U.S. News & World Report warns that color contact lenses like those available here in Indianapolis and around the Hoosier state need to be fit by an eye care doctor to ensure a proper fit.  Lenses bought in a grocery store, specialty Halloween store, or online can have serious repercussions if not fit properly scratching the eye and damaging vision and should be treated just as seriously as those bought in an Indiana vision center.

Color contact lenses may be perfect for your Halloween fashion but anything put in or near your eye needs to be taken seriously.  I think for my black cat look I will be fitted with “Wild Eyes” here at Dr. Tavel.  This will give me the “cat” look with the cat eye lenses and I can be safe by having them fitted by one of our Indianapolis eye doctors.  Puuuurrrrfecct for Halloween!

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