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Avoiding Pink Eye

POSTED ON July 29, 2009


Back to school means lots of new and exciting things for kids and parents! New backpacks, new clothes, new spelling words, new friends, all sorts of things. But, being around lots of kids all day long can also mean new bacteria…not so exciting. In classroom or daycare environments the spread of bacteria or infection can happen very quickly. That said, here are a few tips for Pink Eye Prevention this school year: -Children and Adults should wash their hands often using anti-bacterial soap. -Don’t share hand towels, science goggles, or personal items with ...

Back to school means lots of new and exciting things for kids and parents! New backpacks, new clothes, new spelling words, new friends, all sorts of things.

But, being around lots of kids all day long can also mean new bacteria…not so exciting. In classroom or daycare environments the spread of bacteria or infection can happen very quickly.

That said, here are a few tips for Pink Eye Prevention this school year:

-Children and Adults should wash their hands often using anti-bacterial soap.

-Don’t share hand towels, science goggles, or personal items with other students.

If a child or adult has been exposed to Pink Eye take the following steps to help prevent spreading the infection:

-Avoid rubbing itchy eyes, as this spreads the bacteria to the hand, and then to whatever the hand touches.

-Do not wear contact lenses. Even premium contact lenses with aqua comfort can cause further irritation to an infected eye.

– Stay home! Placing a child or adult into a crowded environment is a very easy way to introduce Pink Eye to a large group of people. It is recommended that people diagnosed with Pink eye stay at home for 3 – 5 days.

-Use anti-bacterial wipes and sprays to wipe down any common areas that may have been touched by an infected person.

Of course, it is always in your best interest to visit they eye care doctors at Dr. Tavel and have an eye examination if you suspect you or your child may have Pink Eye. Better safe than sorry I always say.

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