3D Play…Warnings For Children’s Eyes

I’m feeling a bit jipped or maybe just a bit old as I recently read about Nintendo warning parents their 3DS game system may not be safe for children under 6.  What?!  My first thought is 3D?  I come from the black and white Game Boy era so today think it’s cool there are color Game Boys let alone game systems in 3D.  But 3D seems to be here to stay so I better catch up with the times!

Image Courtesy of: http://www.nds9.com/3ds_news/

My second thought…why the warning?  Nintendo says the 3DS game system sends different images to each of the eyes which could potentially create trouble with eye development and growth for younger players.   Other problems are those that Indiana eye doctors like Dr. Tavel and his board certified associates have mentioned often concerning 3D viewing: eye strain, and dizziness or nausea after extended use. 

What to do?  Watch time use of the 3DS and other screen-time activities in general.   These warnings are just that-warnings, but excess play on 3D-screens or screens in general can cause some pain with headaches, eye strain, and dizziness among other symptoms. Visit an Indiana eye doctor for a children’s eye exam to ensure eye health is at its best for all kinds of play.

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